Stake nfts on PixelPact

Do you have a collection of NFTs that you want your buyers to stake?

Get in touch with us and join the projects that already enjoy this option. And if you are one of those who already have NFTs from some of the projects here, you can put them to work and earn tokens.

Stake Frogztrik NFTs

Staking Frogztrik NFTs, The Amphibians and FROGZ KAIJÚ NFTs you will earn TADF rewards
Stake here

BASE NFTs - Stake & Earn

Staking Miners NFTs you will earn BASE rewards.
Stake here

Candy Man NFTs

Stake your LuncCandy nfts and you will earn LNC rewards.
Stake here

Elon Genesis 1 NFTs

Use $ELON to mint Tessla #NFTs on bigbangX and get $TESSLA drop and you will earn LNC rewards.
Stake here

Tessla Edition 1 NFTs

TESSLA Edition-1 is The Limited NFTs Project from Elon Project in Luna Classic Blockchain. Mint NFTs and get early 5% drop token $TESSLA with initial price of launching! Staking NFTs will available and receive $SPACEX token.
Stake here

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